I don’t know if I’m any good at this stuff, but I’d say....1. Grow comfortable with change. 2. Learn, apply, act, repeat. 3. Be kind to yourself. https://t.co/JDs3v0Z4q1
— Myron Medcalf (@MedcalfByESPN) June 6, 2020
Be Honest, Be Kind, Be Relentless!
— Nate Boyer (@NateBoyer37) June 7, 2020
1. Confidence 2. Empathy 3. Resiliency
— Kevin Boothe (@KevinBoothe77) June 5, 2020
Boldness-not afraid to dream BIG & take chances in pursuit of a goal.
— Marcus Moore (@marcusmoore) May 28, 2020
Tenacity-laser focus on achieving goals; when “no/not yet” is the answer, not giving up until it’s a “yes”
Compassion-an awareness of others & the power you have to effect positive change in people’s lives.
Hope. Empathy. Resilience
— Ziauddin Yousafzai (@ZiauddinY) May 24, 2020
Stay positive. Stay informed. Stay committed to change. 🙏🏾
— Jim Trotter (@JimTrotter_NFL) May 29, 2020
3 Traits of Successful People (in my opinion):
— What Pros Wear (@WhatProsWear) March 23, 2020
-CONFIDENCE - that you can achieve your goals
-COMMUNICATION/COLLABORATION - "Teamwork makes the dream work."
-RESILIENCE - The Bottom Line. Your life will be defined by how you respond to adversity, because its inevitable.
The #threetraits I believe are necessary for making it through tough times are #perseverance & #determination to never give up & a #strategic mindset to navigate uncertainty. Good luck! 💪🏼
— Michele Smith OLY (@MicheleSmith32) May 25, 2020
empathy. conscientiousness. resilience.#threetraits for true "success".
— Juju Chang (@JujuChangABC) May 28, 2020
Patience: We all have places we’d rather be sometimes. It isn’t a race. You will get there
— Angela Tegnelia (@AngelaTegnelia) May 19, 2020
Creativity: Be creative with your time.
Continue to exercise your mind & create structure in your day
Empathy: Some have it worse than others rn. Be understanding. Maybe you can help
1. kindness - Start thinking about others first and you’ll get answers for your own life.
— Adrienne Bankert (@ABonTV) May 28, 2020
2. empathy - even for those very different from you. Pain effects us all.
3. Imagination - take time in this quiet to write your “script” for the happy ending you want! You’re the lead! https://t.co/eEGKRJoinL
Paitence, hope and perseverance
— Sam Acho (@TheSamAcho) May 16, 2020
Positivity- see the positive in each day and situation.
— Cat Osterman OLY (@catosterman) May 24, 2020
Discipline- use this time to set routines, and work relentlessly at your goals/dreams
Gratitude- be thankful for what you have, be thankful for the time to do things you normally wouldn’t, be thankful for waking up & life
I'd like to share 4.... Our Core Values
— USAA (@USAA) May 12, 2020
Which reflect the values of the military and our membership, and form the foundation of how we behave and make decisions. #USAAFamily <3 #WeLoveOurMilitary - LC
Love it! Resilience, hope and compassion!
— girlrising (@girlrising) May 24, 2020
Hey there! It warms our hearts to hear about your dedication to promoting hope towards others, especially students, during these times. We may be apart, but together we can make a difference. Learn more at https://t.co/pps9P10gjv.
— PepsiCo (@PepsiCo) May 15, 2020
I always recommend focusing on a problem you've seen or experienced personally - you might be able to propose a solution that no one else has thought of
— Kathryn Minshew (@kmin) May 18, 2020
1) Be honest.
— Michael Eaves (@michaeleaves) May 17, 2020
2) Be fair.
3) Work hard. https://t.co/LFEtwdtAB1
1. Find a market they’re interested in
— Daymond John (@TheSharkDaymond) March 20, 2020
2. Research: who are the industry leaders? What are sales like? Is there something missing from the market?
3. Create a product or biz that meets that “need” that’s missing
4. Build a presentation and virtual pitch!
Hope that helps 🙏🏾 https://t.co/4q0hkriVEB
We're proud to be a part of the amazing work that you're doing. Keep it up!
— Bombas (@BOMBAS) May 16, 2020
First, thank YOU for what you do! What a beautiful mission, we would love to help. We preach putting people at the center of all solutions, so we recommend students to continuously listen to the community they want to serve. This is a framework we love using: (1/5)
— Medallia (@Medallia) May 14, 2020
I love this idea! Here's an overview of the three critical phases that entrepreneurs (and your students) should go through as they prepare:https://t.co/rFe09rc28b
— Daniel Lubetzky (@DanielLubetzky) May 11, 2020
Thank you so much for reaching out! I think that what you’re doing is amazing, and I am honored that you reached out to me. The best thing we can do right now is be caring, compassionate, and help your neighbors. Making masks is one way to help (be sure to sanatize them!).
— Sofia (@wisepockets) May 14, 2020
We love @threetraits mission and the discussion it generated during our remote staff meeting this morning! I think we settled on 1) Curiosity 2) Empathy 3) Perseverance https://t.co/uiEZWPtMMu
— Exemplars (@Exemplars) May 11, 2020
I think that with hard work, honesty, and loyalty you can accomplish anything and be happy.
— Allen Covert (@THATAllenCovert) May 8, 2020
3 Traits of Successful People (in my opinion):
— What Pros Wear (@WhatProsWear) March 23, 2020
-CONFIDENCE - that you can achieve your goals
-COMMUNICATION/COLLABORATION - "Teamwork makes the dream work."
-RESILIENCE - The Bottom Line. Your life will be defined by how you respond to adversity, because its inevitable.
Thanks for helping students everywhere! Successful people tend to be open-minded, thoughtful and determined. ^AJ
— Staples (@Staples) May 8, 2020
This is awesome. We love what you're doing. Keep up the good work!
— TeacherLists (@TeacherLists) May 8, 2020
#1 - Kindness
#2 - Positivity
#3 - Empathy
To never give up and that no idea is too small/different to become something. Work hard and you'll make it happen.
— summitracing (@SummitRacing) May 6, 2020
@threetraits yes! Our traits are: Be Kind. Love More. Do Good. 😃
— Doing Good Works (@doinggood_works) May 1, 2020
Way to go above and beyond for your students! We believe that 3 very important traits that are needed to be successful are 1. Transparency, 2. Ingenuity, and 3. Empathy. 🙂
— Tuft & Needle (@TuftandNeedle) May 1, 2020
Such an awesome thing you are doing! I'd share our first three values.
— Buffer (@buffer) May 7, 2020
1. Default to Transparency - (we view transparency as a lifestyle of authenticity and honesty.)
2. Cultivate positivity
3. Show Gratitude
Hi! Our crew here on social media loves the GIFs, Memes and Emojis 😎 It's just part of what we like to do as we involve Caring, Passion and Fun into our daily interactions while never forgetting the Safety and Integrity that drive the rest of our daily operations!
— JetBlue (@JetBlue) May 6, 2020
What a wonderful program! We live to be inclusive (celebrating what it means to be human) and devoted (we’ve been making our products for over 100 years) all while remaining whimsical (we have fun while we do it!).
— The Company Store (@thecompanystore) March 27, 2020
Of course! We are sorry if we’re late in responding. Jimmy V would say that PERSEVERANCE would be important. And being HARD WORKING and ENCOURAGING to others are also important traits for a team in any organization to be successful. Good luck to you and your students!
— The V Foundation (@TheVFoundation) May 4, 2020
Thank you! 3 traits of the survivors I've interviewed over the years: 1-Outlook: They identify something to be grateful for each day. 2-Resilience/Grit: They commit to finding strength amidst struggle. 3-Generosity: They discover meaning & joy thru helping others. (1/2)
— Ruta Sepetys Updates (@RutaSepetys) April 2, 2020
Yes Positive Leadership, kindness and compassion for others ... Thank you for all you do and continue to do for all the children/young adults you teach .. we WILL get through this together 💯😎👏🏻🙏🏻💪🏻 https://t.co/fWCtdOqE5M
— Robert Irvine (@RobertIrvine) March 28, 2020
— Pedro Gomez (@pedrogomezESPN) June 6, 2020
This is amazing. Off the top of my head: 1. Be willing to listen without preconception. 2. Be accepting of different perspectives 3. Live to love. Every second of every day. Every person you come in contact with. We all need these reminders!
— jason fitz (@jasonfitz) June 6, 2020
Competiveness with Composure
— Bucci Mane (@Buccigross) May 30, 2020
Concentration with Mindfulness
Confidence with Repetition https://t.co/LPiPINIUcV
Thank you. Determination. Grit. Relentlessness. I try to maintain belief that something good is soon to happen. I believe difficult experiences make us stronger. I believe those who persist most often achieve the most success. Good luck to your students. https://t.co/Cg7zdafOpJ
— Joe Schad (@schadjoe) April 29, 2020
Thank you for asking me, and thank you even more for being so invested in teaching the next generation. ❤️
— Aditi Kinkhabwala (@AKinkhabwala) April 29, 2020
As for your question:
1) Curiosity
2) Fearlessness
3) Empathy https://t.co/Z3vqKKZJu3
You got it! "@threetraits Love this idea! We encourage people to follow their passion and keep that top of mind. Also consider the community and how best to give back within your own as well. We value the entrepreneurial mindset and know that the vision is more important than 1/2
— Zappos.com (@Zappos) May 1, 2020
Hopefulness is everything. Stubborness/perseverance (you need it to pursue your dreams.) Generosity of spirit. The more you give in life, the more you get back.
— Nikki Grimes (@nikkigrimes9) April 13, 2020
I don't know much, but in Sunday School, Mr & Mrs Levin told me...
— craig newmark (@craignewmark) April 12, 2020
treat people like you want to be treated
know when enough is enough https://t.co/RMc2i30KFY
— Marty Smith (@MartySmithESPN) April 13, 2020
If we're kind to others, and we give every last ounce of everything we have to do our very best, and we do it with an undeniable positive energy, WE CANNOT LOSE.
Hi there!
— Jane Slater (@SlaterNFL) April 29, 2020
1) Persistence
2) Relentless belief in yourself
3) Be a fountain, not a drain @GerryMatalon https://t.co/BelOJsfoex
— Elle Duncan (@elleduncanESPN) April 12, 2020
1.) BE VOCAL- about your dreams, fears, feelings, who and what you advocate for
2.) BE HUMBLE- self explanatory
3.) BE MINDFUL- of your actions- of others feelings and causes.. of your thought processing
1. Determination. Sometimes the only way out is through. Keep at it & don’t give up!
— Scott Hanson (@ScottHanson) April 30, 2020
2. Poise. Keep your cool when everyone around you is losing theirs
3. Perspective. Every successful person on Earth had to overcome some doubt/hurdle/fear. You are not alone! #threetraits
Love, honestly, and loyalty are the threat traits I believe in. If you have those with the people you care about, you're set.
— LL McKinney (@ElleOnWords) April 12, 2020
Curiosity, empathy, and persistence.
— Sharon Creech (@ciaobellacreech) April 15, 2020
Kindness, curiosity, and creativity. pic.twitter.com/EA5Dx0HFx3
— (((Judd Winick))) (@JuddWinick) April 12, 2020
1. Having a VISION, everything starts there no matter the circumstances. When our mindset changes our circumstances tend to change also over time. 2. Finding your PURPOSE, understanding why you’re here on this earth & how you can contribute to others in this world.
— Harry Douglas (@HDouglas83) April 14, 2020
3. Getting COMFORTABLE with being UNCOMFORTABLE, comfortability drives complacency. When we get comfortable we tend to not work as hard. Put yourself in uncomfortable positions, do things that are uncomfortable, it allows your mind to grow in ways you’ll never imagine
— Harry Douglas (@HDouglas83) April 14, 2020
Empathy, Education, Service
— Jon Sciambi (@BoogSciambi) April 5, 2020
Be willing to lead by example...
— Ron Jaworski (@JawsCEOQB) April 15, 2020
Be willing to clearly define the goals...
Be willing to COMPETE, Every SINGLE DAY!
😉 #threetraits
Breathe, believe, keep your head up
— Robin Lundberg (@robinlundberg) April 4, 2020
Be credible.
— Louis Riddick (@LRiddickESPN) March 28, 2020
Be competent.
Positively impact others.
Authenticity, energy, relentless work #AlwaysEarnedNeverGiven
— Eric Byrnes (@byrnes22) April 10, 2020
gratitude, compassion, & love .. sending my best, stay safe
— sarah kustok (@sarahkustok) March 28, 2020
Be credible.
— Louis Riddick (@LRiddickESPN) March 28, 2020
Be competent.
Positively impact others.
Authenticity, energy, relentless work #AlwaysEarnedNeverGiven
— Eric Byrnes (@byrnes22) April 10, 2020
gratitude, compassion, & love .. sending my best, stay safe
— sarah kustok (@sarahkustok) March 28, 2020
Optimism. Persistence. Discipline.
— LeVar Burton (@levarburton) April 9, 2020
We do our best to go about our daily lives with compassion, respect and hard work.
— Louisville Slugger (@sluggernation) March 28, 2020
Positive Thinking , try to learn new things everyday, contact friends on social media to stay connected
— Ken Singleton (@29alltime) March 28, 2020
Resilience, Courage, Honor
— Baseballism (@Baseballism) March 28, 2020
Honor, commitment and dedication.
— Marucci (@MarucciSports) March 27, 2020
FAITH- In yourself. In people you trust. And in whatever higher power you believe in. HOPE- As gloomy as a situation is, there are always reasons for hope. Find them. Embrace them. KINDNESS- When you give of yourself, you’ll feel better. And people will respond similarly to you https://t.co/JxjOEmr4EJ
— Jack Curry (@JackCurryYES) March 28, 2020
Work hard! Set a long term goal but short term goals to get you there! Keep your focus on the day and not so far ahead! https://t.co/JOgI5eDlBl
— John Flaherty (@flash17yes) March 28, 2020
Absolutely.. thank u for all you do! For me it’s easy.
— Chip Gaines (@chipgaines) March 28, 2020
1. My faith
2. My family
3. Never quit/hardwork attitude/ethic
#3 I learned through some very tough times. I learned you can’t lose, if you don’t quit. Success is an extremely slooow process, but quitting only takes a sec.
Perspective, optimism and preparation among so many others :)
— Ginger Zee (@Ginger_Zee) April 4, 2020
1. Resilience—have the strength to withstand challenges by remembering this will pass and life will go on🙌
— Alane Adams (@AlaneAdamsBooks) April 12, 2020
2. Empathy—someone somewhere has it worse off than you. Don’t dwell on your situation-think of ways to help others.
3. Humor—remember to laugh and find joy in small things
Thanks for your initiative! I’d offer these:
— Joe Sanberg (@JosephNSanberg) April 4, 2020
1/ Maintain calm, clear thinking, especially when circumstances are uncertain and others need your leadership
2/ Distinguish between informed feedback and the noise of opinions that aren’t well researched
3/ Never, ever give up
Preparation, persistence and self belief. A good friend once told me that everything springs from hope, but you asked for three!
— Jay Bilas (@JayBilas) April 13, 2020
Accountability- inevitably you mess up or blow something. You need to be accountable and take ownership not blame someone else
— Paul Panik (@CoachPaulPanik) March 25, 2020
Persistence- you will get knocked down-keep moving toward opportunity
Self Drive/ Motivation- have to have the fire to keep going in good and bad times
1. Stick-to-it-ness
— Stacy McAnulty (@stacymcanulty) April 13, 2020
2. Ability to laugh at oneself
3. Creativity
Perspective, Gratitude, and Grit. This too shall pass, and it’s easier to weather the storm if you view it as an opportunity instead of an obstacle. Call someone who has helped you get where you are and say thank you.
— Noah Zavolas (@NoahZavolas) March 24, 2020
1. Self Discipline-having a clear idea on what you want and then ensuring the desire to succeed is greater than the consequences of not
— Darnell Stapleton (@darnellru53) March 24, 2020
2. Resilience-There will be setbacks, but having patience and perseverance is the key
3. Risks Taker- You must take CALCULATED chances in life